Thursday, 7 May 2015

Phil and Christine's Wedding at The White Heather Hotel

Phil and Christine were married at Kirklington Church and later celebrated with friends and family at The White Heather Hotel in Kirkbride.

We started the day at Christine's new house. Phil and Christine had been renovating their house which used to be a school. The house looked amazing inside and had lots of character. I got some pictures of christine preparing for the ceremony in her bedroom, she looked beautiful.

Then it was onto Kirklington Church which was just around the corner. When I arrived Phil was stood at the church doors with their little boy Max. I got some great pictures of the two of them.

Christine arrived in a Mercedes Benz with her dad and briskly walked down the aisle. I captured some great images of the ceremony. Then we headed off to The White Heather Hotel.

Everybody had a great time celebrating.

1 comment:

  1. This is really a beautiful wedding ceremony. I am hunting some of the high rated venues in NYC for mother's day party next month. Saw many venues and will finalize one after discussing it with my cousin. It will be the pleasant surprise for all our mommies. I think lunch and a tea party would be perfect. Searching for some pleasing gifts for all beautiful ladies.
